Home page » Ecology case studies » Toddleburn Windfarm

Toddleburn Windfarm

Ongoing ecology services

The Wildlife Partnership has been involved at Toddleburn Windfarm site since 2007, before construction started. We undertook some preconstruction surveys, acted as Ecological Clerk of Works, monitored bird populations, managed practical habitat enhancement measures including tree and wildflower planting, weed control, badger sett closure and protected species and vegetation monitoring.

The site contains an active main sett in a small area of broad-leaved plantation with several paths radiating from it which eventually lead on to pasture land. One path crosses a small valley, where an outlying sett was opened up during construction. An access track runs parallel to the burn below which lies an active sett. During drainage works at the track edge the sett was temporarily excluded under licence.

Otter footprints

Otter footprints

Outlying badger sett entrance

Outlying badger sett entrance